Thursday, February 23, 2012

Storify brings social media curation tool to the iPad

Posted by Cory Bergman on February 22, 2012

The social startup Storify ? used by many TV newsrooms ? took the wraps off a free iPad app today that brings its social curation tool to the tablet. Just like on the site, you can drag-and-drop social media elements to create an embeddable story.

?We?ve heard your many requests and have been working hard for months on Storify for iPad, which we believe will jumpstart storytelling on the iPad,? explains Storify. Here?s a quick video demo:

The app includes a Twitter client, so you can tweet directly from the experience. ?(It) should extend the curation tool to new, more-casual users and increase the live-blogging of conferences and events,? writes Poynter?s Jeff Sonderman.

Yesterday afternoon, Storify teased a huge announcement was coming at midnight. The timing fueled all sorts of speculation ? mostly about an acquisition ? and some people actually stayed up late to learn the news.

So far, the only complaint about the app is the login process. Many users authenticate via Twitter or Facebook on, which is not currently allowed on the app.


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